
Hi大家好,接待来到MIA的英语课堂。现在许多人都饱受“黑头”的困扰。黑头是什么?黑头用英文怎么说?黑头这么让人心烦我可以挤掉它吗? 带着这些问题,我们开始今天的【康健英语】时间吧~黑头,黑是black,头是head, 那黑头是blackhead吗?
本文摘要:Hi大家好,接待来到MIA的英语课堂。现在许多人都饱受“黑头”的困扰。黑头是什么?黑头用英文怎么说?黑头这么让人心烦我可以挤掉它吗? 带着这些问题,我们开始今天的【康健英语】时间吧~黑头,黑是black,头是head, 那黑头是blackhead吗?


Hi大家好,接待来到MIA的英语课堂。现在许多人都饱受“黑头”的困扰。黑头是什么?黑头用英文怎么说?黑头这么让人心烦我可以挤掉它吗? 带着这些问题,我们开始今天的【康健英语】时间吧~黑头,黑是black,头是head, 那黑头是blackhead吗? 往往这样的拼凑翻译MIA都跟大家说“差池”,但今天这个黑头MIA告诉大家,对,就是blackheadblackhead (可数名词)blackheads (复数形式)【What are blackheads黑头是什么】Blackheads are small bumps that appear on your skin due to clogged hair follicles. These bumps are called blackheads because the surface looks dark or black. 黑头是由于皮肤毛囊堵塞而形成的小突起。这些小突起之所以叫做黑头是因为它外貌呈玄色或深色。


【Should you squeeze your blackheads黑头能挤吗?】It can be tempting to squeeze blackheads that pop up on your skin. Their texture and noticeability on your skin beckons for removal, but you should not try to pick them. You might squeeze and prod without being able to get the blackheads out. This will cause skin irritation and potentially get more backteria inside the blemish leading to cysts or nodules. In the process you may also stretch your pore which can leave it permanently enlarged.我们总会手痒痒想把黑头挤掉,可是我们确实不应该用手去挤。因为纵然你去挤或刺也纷歧定能把黑头弄出来。这样还会刺激皮肤,还可能将更多细菌带进黑头的部位。这样做还会使毛孔粗大。

【Let's Talk】Are you suffering blackheads? Is there any treatment for blackheads? Leave a comment and share your knowledge.关注【跟MIA轻松学英语】碎片时间轻松学英文。

